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Breast reduction/ Mastopexy

home > Breast surgery > Breast reduction/ Mastopexy
  • Surgical
  • Surgery duration3:00 hours
  • AnesthesiaGeneral anesthesia
  • Hospitalization1 day
  • Suture removalPostop 14 days
  • Clinic follow up2 times
  • Recovery time3~4 days
Breast reduction surgery, or reduction mammoplasty, is available for those who feel the need to reduce the size of their breasts for
various reasons. Breast reduction is performed not only to proportion the body but also to alleviate uncomfortable symptoms that are
associated with overly large breasts such as back and shoulder pain, postural concerns, skin irritation and discomfort, and mental

What is a v-line face?

  • For cosmetic
    When the breasts are oversized, breast
    reduction may be considered to
    achieve a breast size proportionate to
    the body. Also, breasts that are
    excessively big tend to sag, and the
    nipples and areolas have a tendency
    to point downward.
  • For health-
    related purposes
    Breast reduction can resolve health
    issues that can be associated with
    large breasts, including chronic neck,
    back, shoulder pain, and skin irritations
    under the breasts, .
  • For psycho-
    sociological purposes
    Women with large breasts
    may suffer from poor self image
    and emotional distress related to large
    breasts. Also, restricted activity may
    result in obesity and strained
    social relationships.

Surgical procedure

Overly large breasts are prone to sag and may result in breast ptosis.
In this case, not only are the breasts elongated vertically, the nipple position
may alter and point downward. As the severity of ptosis increases, women
may feel dissatisfied with their body image. Breast ptosis may also result as
a result of aging as skin elasticity is lost, or after pregnancy and breast feeding.
Whatever the reason may be, the plastic surgeons at NJH Plastic Surgery Clinic
can help effectively remove excessive breast tissue and skin to achieve a
favorable breast size and position.

Breast ptosis self diagnosis

Normal breast:
the nipple and breast parenchyme (glandular tissue and fat) sits above the inframammary fold
Grade I (Mild sagging):
the nipple lies at the level of the inframammary fold
Grade II (Moderate sagging):
the nipple lies below the level of the inframammary fold but remains above the lowest hanging part of
the breast parenchyma.
Grade III (Severe sagging):
The nipple lies below the inframammary fold and below the lowest hanging part of the breast parenchyma.
the nipple lies above or at the level of the inframammary fold, but the majority of the breast parenchyma descends
below the inframammary fold.
-Parenchymal maldistribution:
the breast has an unusual shape (ie.tuberous breasts) lacking fullness at the lower pole, has a high inframammary fold,
and the distance from the fold to the nipple is relatively short.

Surgical procedure

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  • “철저한 사후관리 프로그램”
    1. 1. 전문관리사의 가슴마사지 프로그램 운영
    2. 2. 구축 예방 약 복용
    3. 3. 레이저 치료와 고주파를 이용한 가슴관리
    4. 4. 집에서도 스스로 할 수 있는 가슴마사지 교
  • “모든 종류의 가슴수술이 가능한
    1. 1. 겨드랑이절개, 유륜절개, 유방밑선절개,
      배꼽절개등 모두 가능합니다.
    2. 2. 모든 종류의 보형물의 사용이 가능하므로
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  • “내시경을 사용한 가슴성형”
    1. 1. 직접 해부학적인 구조를 눈으로 확인하면서
      수술이 가능합니다.
    2. 2. 지혈과 정확한 수술이 가능하여 구축의
      가능성이 매우 낮습니다.
    3. 3. 붓기와 통증이 덜하여 회복과정이 빠릅니다.