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Reconstructive breast surgery

home > Breast surgery > Reconstructive breast surgery
  • Surgical
  • Surgery duration2:00 ~ 4:00 hours
  • AnesthesiaGeneral anesthesia
  • HospitalizationNot required~
    1 day
  • Suture removalPostop 7~10 days
  • Clinic follow up3-4 times
  • Recovery time1 week ~ 2 weeks

Reconstructive breast surgery

Reconstructive breast surgery offers a solution to restore the form and feel of the breast after mastectomy or other condition that may
have caused a breast deformity. The surgical plan for breast reconstruction is generally a very lengthy process with many reconstructive
options that must be thoroughly discussed to obtain the most desirable and comfortable result for each individual patient. Breast
reconstruction can be carried out with breast implants, autologous tissue flaps, or a combination of these methods.

Collaborative medical care with a breast specialist is available at NJH plastic surgery clinic to assist from breast diagnosis to
reconstruction for customized, thorough patient care.

“차별화된 시스템으로 앞서 다가갑니다”
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  • “맞춤형 무통관리 시스템”
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    자가통증조절장치로 개개인에 맞는 맞춤
    진통관리가 가능합니다.
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      배꼽절개등 모두 가능합니다.
    2. 2. 모든 종류의 보형물의 사용이 가능하므로
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      수술이 가능합니다.
    2. 2. 지혈과 정확한 수술이 가능하여 구축의
      가능성이 매우 낮습니다.
    3. 3. 붓기와 통증이 덜하여 회복과정이 빠릅니다.