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Square-jaw shave surgery FAQ

How long does it take to recover after the procedure?
You may be able to go for a walk in about 10 days after the surgery and going shopping is also allowed in two weeks. Swelling can last up to 3 months and should subside completely after that. Some may experience longer recovery as every result can vary depending on individuals.
After surgery, will the surgery affect eating and speaking without my mouth wide open?
Even if your jaws have to be wired together, you should be able to swallow fluids eg milk, juice. You may find it hard to speak properly even if you practice as much as you can during stabilization. It is important that the jaws are fixed by pins and screws to help your bones heal well. 
I get incredibly nervous about double-jaw surgery. Could my protruding chin be corrected only by the
The lower jaw surgery is performed by altering the lower jaw and fitting into the upper jaw. This, in return, may keep the lower jaw still at the wrong position as it’s fit into the upper jaw is either advanced or set back. Therefore, the lower jaw may still remain as protruding or receding depending on how the upper jaw is altered after surgery.
Protruding chin surgery is done by the lower jaw surgery and double-jaw surgery. Is there any differ
Protruding chin usually indicates how the lower jaw is positioned depending on how the ratio of the upper jaw and the lower jaw are respectively positioned. Sometimes, the upper jaw is in the rear of the portion while the lower jaw is in a normal range of the angle and more often the other way around. Moreover, the anatomical structure of both the upper jaw and the lower jaw are protruding. The lower jaw can be altered if it is forward while the upper jaw is at the right position. Double jaw, Bimaxillary Surgery, is necessary when jawbones are out of range. 
When do you perform orthodontics, before or after surgery?
Pre-surgical orthodontics are primarily used to improve the misalignment of your teeth first, and then additional treatment followed after surgery. But if your teeth are orthodontically aligned, a surgery may be carried out before orthodontics. By recent advances in orthodontics, for instance, ‘Corrective Jaw Surgery before orthodontics’ as a combined treatment, there is a wide range of conditions that people can have for this procedure. It seems that there’s more benefit from surgery particularly when it is performed after repositioning excessive misalignment of your teeth. 
Even though I have a normal bite, or ‘occulsion’ with protruding chin, would I need orthodontic trea
Two reasons may be able to explain why your teeth look properly aligned with protruding chin. First, a term that ‘Neutral occlusion prognathis is often called when your protruding chin is not a result from teeth alignment as you retain normal bite. After orthodontic treatment, you will be encouraged to receive corrective surgery as it is necessary. In this case, it takes far less time for the course of treatment than the case of malocclusion. Another reason that your teeth look normal, however they are misaligned, is because of the effect of Dentoaveolar compensation. This condition also requires orthodontic treatment.
Is orthodontic treatment necessary before chin surgery?
Yes, it is. Misalignment of jaws and teeth results from skeletal and dental irregularities. This is only seen in people who have a protruding chin, thus orthodontic treatment is inevitable to correct the oral structure. It is important that your decision should be made on planning for your corrective surgery, which will include orthodontics before and after the surgery. 
What is protruding chin surgery?
The upper and lower jaw may grow at a different rate, protruding chin refers to mostly the lower jaw being more advanced than the upper jaw. This often causes different types of symptoms that are diagnosed as macrogenia or prognathism. Macrogenia uses several methods including the chin being cut at different angles depending on your wishes and whether the lower jaw is facing forward or downward. Some patients with prognathism may need to have corrective jaw surgery for function problems with speaking and/or chewing. In addition, those people who have an improper bite may benefit from corrective jaw surgery because the misalignment of the jaws sometimes affects digestion, jaw joint movement and other health issues. 
How will the scar look after the surgery?
Different techniques for breast reduction surgery are used by various methods of incision. So scars remain in the surgical site and they usually become weakened over time and almost invisible around 6 months after the surgery. Unfavorable scarring may be corrected and minimized by scar revision surgery afterwards. 
What kind of side effects will I expect?
Most procedures and surgery may develop side effects such as bleeding and infection. However, these potential problems can be prevented at the pre-operative consultation with your doctor.
Is breast reduction surgery associated with breast cancer?
There is no correlation between breast reduction surgery and breast cancer, however, routine breast cancer screening is recommended as it is essential for most women.
How long will I stay in hospital?
You will need to be admitted to hospital on the day of surgery and 1-2 days of hospital stay will be required. 
Will I still be able to breastfeed after the surgery?
Depending on how much breast tissue is cut out, the surgery will affect breastfeeding as a result milk quantity may be reduced and worst case, you may no longer produce milk. Therefore, it is important that you need to carefully consider the right time for surgery. If you are not married and plan to have a child, our surgeons will make sure to preserve milk-producing tissue.
What if the breast size goes back to before surgery?
Even if the size of your breasts increased by weight gain or pregnancy after the surgery, only subtle changes may cause you a concern. But the size of your breasts will never return to before your surgery because substantial amount of breast tissue is removed.
Between circumareola reduction and vertical scar reduction, what technical differences are there?
The advantage of circumareola reduction is that only a circular scar remains around the areola by removing breast tissue and subcutaneous fat. But when this technique is applied to patients who have large and drooped breasts, the breast shape will be a bit wide and boxy at the bases. Although Vertical breast reduction leaves a scar around the areola and down in the middle of the breast, the outcome of the shape is rounder and look more youthful. The best reduction technique chosen for you will suit your unique anatomy.
What type of anesthesia is used for this surgery, and how long does the whole procedure take?
You will go under general anesthesia for your comfort during the surgical procedure which takes around 2-3 hours.
How long of a recovery period, and how much pain can I expect after the surgery?
On the day of your surgery you will have a pulling sensation in the area where the surgery was done. In general, post-operative pains will vary from patient to patient but the pain usually goes away the day after surgery. Over-the-counter medicines normally help relieve the moderate pains. With much less pain, breast reduction surgery is considered a more complex operation than breast augmentation. During the first 2-3 days of recovery period, you can resume simple daily routine, and should be able to return to work 5-7 days following surgery. 2 weeks of post-operative visits for treatment until stitches come out will be required while it takes about 2 months for your breast implants to settle and look normal. 
Are there any side effects that might occur?
Not only cheekbone reduction surgery but with any other surgery there are always potential complications you need to be aware of, such as bleeding, infection and a loss of sensations temporarily. In most cases, however, such complications are rare so you are not likely to experience while recovery. 
After the cheekbones are cut, do they need to be fixed during the procedure?
The cheekbone reduction surgery is done by moving these bone segments inward and fixing them there with tiny plates and screws, which allow them to be repositioned as making sure both cheekbones are well-balanced. Fixing the bone segments is necessary for a perfect fusion of the bones. Serious side effects could be developed if the cheekbone surgery is done without fixing procedure. 
Can zegoma and zegoma arch be reduced at the same time?
Absolutely! As a combined unit, the cheekbones can be reduced simultaneously through L-shaped osteotomies which is done through the main body of the zygoma and from a small temporal incision the attachment of the tail of the zygomatic arch is cut and moved inward.
Does cheekbone reduction surgery leave any scars?
The cheekbone reduction is primarily done from inside of the mouth or through incision made on the scalp so that the surgical site remains invisible. 
Can cheekbone reduction surgery cause laxity of the cheeks?
Elderly patients are likely to have sagging skin and laxity in the cheeks even after cheekbone surgery performed through inside of the mouth. Studies show that sagging cheeks after the procedure is due to two possible causes. One may result from loss of volume of the cheeks after the surgery. Loosely fixed bones when zegoma is cut and moved inward could be another cause. This can be prevented with liposuction to remove fat on the underside of the cheekbone, or an L-shaped osteotomy instead of cutting one straight line of zegoma can minimize developing weak and sagging cheek tissues. 
Is there any procedure to make cheekbones look softer?
For slightly prominent cheekbones with a small nose, nose surgery (rhinoplasty) will help the cheekbones look softer. In the case of cheekbones looking bigger than they are, due to significant weight loss, fat injection in the cheek can be a solution.
Is it true that your face may look more square and masculine after cheekbone reduction surgery?
Reducing either cheekbones or jaws while both are protruding, square jaw would look more prominent if cheekbone reduction surgery is done on its own. Thus reducing cheekbone surgery with the presence of square-jaws, square-jaws should also be softened at the same time. In this case, things to consider should be discussed and well-planned at the pre-operative consultation.
How long will I be in hospital for this surgery?
You need to be admitted to hospital on the day of your surgery and required to stay for about a week after the surgery.
Is reducing facial bones the only option to make a face look smaller?
Facial line is composed of not only the bones but also muscles, subcutaneous fat and soft tissues. The jaw bone can be curved out while liposuction is available to reduce the size of soft tissue and muscle around the jaw line.
Will the cheekbone look like it’s protruding after this surgery?
Contouring the lower jaws without altering the shape of prominent cheekbones may make the cheekbones look even bigger than the actual size. If this is anticipated at consultation, a better result will be achieved by simultaneous surgery for both cheekbone and jaw.
Considering having Square-jaw cut is a terrifying thought, wouldn’t orthodontics be enough to alter
Orthodontics can help fix patients’ problems such as improper bites and crooked teeth.  However, correcting square-jaw line doesn’t involve any teeth realigning an orthodontic treatment alone is not used to shape the Square-jaw line.
Will there be any post-operative pain or sensitivity during the winter?
There is no clinical proof of post-operative pains and sensitivity developed during the winter. Because the mandibular osteotomy does not involve sensory facial nerves that are not originated from the bones in the face. 
Will having jawline cosmetic surgery during summer slow down the healing process?
As a matter of fact, summer season is when more patients have various cosmetic surgery while a lot of misconceptions about hot and humid weather may cause delays of the surgical site from healing. However, winter is favorable as no sweating occurs and winter clothes make it easy to cover up the surgical area.
Can Square-jaw shave surgery be performed with the chin (to obtain V facial line)?
A strong mandibular jawline is often straight from the mandibular angle to the chin point. In this case, Square-jaw shave surgery done alone may result in even a longer-looking face. So, it is usually recommended curving out the square-jaw and simultaneously correcting the chin to achieve the goal of having a V face line.
Can square-jaw shave surgery be done with chin augmentation?
Square-jaw shave surgery and chin augmentation are often done at the same time and as a result enhances the patient’s satisfaction. A small and recessive chin with a prominent square jaw can be altered by combined surgery which improves the projection of the chin with a smooth and curvy jawline.
Is the surgery painful?
Sensory nerves are surrounded by the periosteum and mucous membrane. So this is not a very painful procedure as the lower jaw is cut in a place where no sensory nerves are. You will be induced with general anesthesia prior to the surgery. Immediate or occasional complaints of pain in the surgical area are rare because the pain is always managed by anesthetics after surgery. 
After surgery, how much swelling can I expect and how long will it take to get back to normal daily
It usually takes over a week to return to a normal routine as the swelling subsides. Swelling usually completely subsides within two weeks following the procedure and regular activities can then be resumed. Bathing the lower body and easy exercise will also help reduce swelling.